Spiders Pest Control Services

How To Control Spiders

How To Control Spiders

Spider control in Nairobi, Kenya : In the Kenya, there are a few thousand varieties of spiders and very few of them are dangerous. Fear of spiders is a very common phobia but is really unwarranted. Spiders for the most part are not aggressive, and few have the capability of biting through our skin. They are, in fact, beneficial because they feed on pesky insects such as mosquitoes, flies and ants.

Spiders Pest Control Services

Spiders Pest Control Services

Most people don’t want spiders in their home. But by allowing them to exist, possibly in out of the way locations, you benefit by the reduction of other insects.

If you remove the webs, and their creators, from prominent locations but leave the rest, you may achieve a balance through “out of sight, out of mind”.

However, if you must eliminate all spiders indoors, vacuuming is simple and effective. If you want to save the spider, place a cup over the spider and slide a piece of paper under the cup and then release the spider in your garden.

We do not recommend spraying for spiders. First of all, the spray is an added expense, requires about the same effort to use as a hand-held vacuum and finally, who needs more chemical poisons sprayed in their home?

Furthermore, spraying outside, around the perimeter of your home has the serious drawback of killing the spiders that will consume the insects that consume your flowers, fruits and vegetables in your garden. Spiders are good for your garden and spraying for them means more insects in your garden. Then to get rid of those insects you’ll have to spray another poison. So the best practice is to treat only inside your home, and with zero-toxicity methods such as using a vacuum.

Attracting Spiders to Homes and Effective Control Measures

Spiders are a common sight in many homes and often provoke mixed reactions. While they are essential for natural pest control, the presence of too many spiders can be unsettling. Understanding what attracts spiders to homes and implementing control measures can help strike a balance between their ecological benefits and human comfort.

What Attracts Spiders to Homes:

  1. Food Sources:Spiders are primarily carnivorous, and their primary attraction to homes is the presence of other insects. Flies, mosquitoes, ants, and other small pests can create an ideal hunting ground for spiders. The more prey insects a location has, the more likely it is to attract spiders.
  2. Shelter and Hiding Places:Spiders seek shelter from extreme weather conditions and predators. Cluttered and undisturbed areas such as attics, basements, and closets offer hiding spots. Additionally, outdoor clutter like woodpiles, overgrown vegetation, and debris can provide hiding places for spiders that eventually make their way indoors.
  3. Warmth and Light:Spiders are ectothermic creatures, meaning they rely on the environment to regulate their body temperature. Warm and well-lit areas are more appealing to them. This is why they may be found in sunny spots indoors.
spiders control and pest control nairobi kenya

spiders control and pest control nairobi kenya

Effective Spider Control Measures:

  1. Seal Entry Points:To prevent spiders from entering your home, seal cracks, gaps, and other entry points. Pay attention to doors, windows, vents, and utility openings. Use weather stripping and caulk to create a barrier. Installing screens on windows and doors can further deter spider entry.
  2. Regular Cleaning:Spiders are drawn to areas with a buildup of dust and debris. Regular cleaning and decluttering reduce hiding spots and prey insects. Pay attention to areas like basements, attics, and storage spaces.
  3. Outdoor Maintenance:Keep the area around your home clean and well-maintained. Trim back overgrown vegetation, remove woodpiles, and eliminate debris near your house. These measures will discourage spiders from establishing outdoor hiding spots.
  4. Reduce Outdoor Lighting:Outdoor lighting attracts insects, which in turn attract spiders. Consider using less attractive lighting options or motion-activated lighting to reduce the number of prey insects near your home.
  5. Natural Predators:Encourage natural predators of spiders, such as birds, by providing bird feeders and birdhouses in your yard. Birds feed on spiders and their prey, helping to control their populations.
    1. Indoor Pest Control:

      Reducing the population of prey insects indoors is an effective way to control spiders. Use non-toxic methods like traps and exclude entry points for other insects. You can also consider professional pest control services if infestations are severe.

    2. Prevent Humidity:

      Spiders are attracted to moisture-rich environments. Fix any leaks and reduce indoor humidity to make your home less appealing to them.

    3. Use Natural Repellents:

      Some natural substances, such as citrus oils, vinegar, or peppermint, can act as repellents for spiders. Spray these solutions in spider-prone areas to discourage their presence.


    Spiders play a valuable role in controlling insect populations, but when they become too numerous or intrude into our living spaces, they can be a source of discomfort. By understanding what attracts spiders to homes and implementing effective control measures, you can create an environment that is less appealing to them. Striking a balance between coexistence and control will help you maintain a more spider-free home while respecting their ecological role.

